Fifteen Dogs (book)
Fifteen Dogs (Written by André Alexis)/2015 This is a gem of a book by Toronto based writer André Alexis. One day the gods Apollo and Hermes ha ve a bet : what if dogs had the intelligence of humans? Will they be happier? The two wage a bet for a year of servitude on whether any of them would die happy. What follows is both a sweet and hilarious account of fifteen dogs building a small civilisation. Initially, from my anthropocentric perspective, the novel seemed like an existentialist satire. These dogs were a metaphor for the human condition. When the dogs gain intelligence and become self-aware, they realise they are no longer like other dogs. Some try to maintain their old way of life because they feel that it is not ‘natural’ to be who they are. Others go on to philosophise, recite poetry, ponder about the world, get into politics: everything I would associate with natural human behaviour. On further reading however I realised that humans and dogs are not...